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Di Maria chased the money to Manchester United - Ancelotti

The Argentina star left Real Madrid for the Red Devils in a British-record €75 million move after dropping down the pecking order, leading the Italian to question his motivation

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asmith23063564d ago

So did Falcao apparently.

Stringerbell3564d ago (Edited 3564d ago )

Last time I checked Ancelotti doesent coach midtable clubs he only takes a position at a team that will pay him handsomely. Also he should remember how much Madrid paid Monaco to secure the talents of James. I hate when people fault players for 'chasing high salaries' because thats modern day football in a nutshell. Yeah some guys are still loyal ( Di Natale off the top of my head), but they are a rarity!

asmith23063564d ago

Di Maria and Falcao went to Utd for whopper pay checks and no CL football. For a professional who supposedly wants to play in top competitions they look like a strange moves in that regard.

And Ancelotti doesn't take jobs at mid table teams because he is a top class manager who gets big teams winning trophies. You pay big for that kind of manager.

Pricey3564d ago


So if you can pay big for a manager why not a player? Or are united not supposed to compete in the market because they are not in the champions league?

How do you quantify success in your job, is it earning enough money to make sure your family are out of poverty for the forceable future? because thats how allot of South American players see it. Not black and white is it, don't generalise not all players think about themselves.

Baka-akaB3563d ago (Edited 3563d ago )

It not even just money , it's the message that salary send , about how you are perceived .

Di Maria has been one of the best player in the world for a while now , and yet they were paying and treating him as if he was just some average madrid players .

He was a central and key part of madrid for at least the past 2 years and yet salary wise he was outdone by Pépé , or even Kroos that just joined .

I know it's not Ancelotti fault and doing , but it's easy to complain and claim you wanted to keep Di Maria , when you dont act like it , yet gives anything and everything to any other transfert

ProjectVulcan3563d ago (Edited 3563d ago )

Hilarious coming from Ancelotti who managed Chelsea, a hugely plastic club dishing out massive wages to attract players and get where they are. And then Madrid, who just dish out massive fees every year and massive wages like nobody's business.

Di Maria wanted to leave Madrid probably because Madrid didn't value him as much as spending a crap load on a new toy 'galactico' like
Rodriguez. Then shoving him to one side after his best season.

He thought screw them, I can be important elsewhere rather than sit on the bench.

Fine by me, and tough for Ancelotti who didn't want him to leave. But then he should blame the board buying big money players and making him obliged to play them because of their cost and not the player who got the hump (justly, in my view). He looks stupid and weak with this comment.

silvacrest3563d ago

what the hell is a plastic club? a club that pays big to basically win?

lets not pretend, united, chelsea, city etc are all in this boat now

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Scrivlar3563d ago

I would have thought he left ( Justifiably ) after having Bale come in and threaten his role and leave him on the bench,so he ends up adapting to a new central role,playing his best ever season and being integral to the teams success, only to see James signed and him ending up on the bench again, pretty harsh from Madrid and disrespectful to Di Maria I feel.

Khalids193563d ago

this comment sums up everything rm are plain stupid sometimes..(rm supporter here)