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Highlights: Manchester United 1-1 Chelsea (Premier League - 27/10/2014)

Drogba (53')

van Persie (90')

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Sahil3513d ago

decent game, fair result.

neoragex3513d ago

Chelsea very unlucky not to take 3 points, united were very average, as they've been for some time.

listenkids3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

Factual stats say otherwise.

But why would someone who clearly doesn't watch a match have any other opinion.

xX_Altair_Xx3512d ago

I would ignore this guy, his comment history shows that he's clearly one of those irrational Utd haters. Just trying to deflect from AC's 1-1 draw with an average team and already being 7 points behind in a far easier league. Clearly Utd had the better chances and shouldve put them away.

Yokan3512d ago

@ xX_Altair

I wouldnt call the SERIE A an easier league I would save that for Ligue 1 and Bundesliga.

KingPin3512d ago

neoragex is the ultimate 11x2 troll.

just look at his comment history. he gets his jollies off saying stupid shit on here.

doubt he even watches his own team play calling united a mid-table club every chance he gets not realising his own club isnt any better. lol but i suppose when you waiting from birth to diss united we have to let him have his moment.

KingPin3512d ago

well that was a surprising result.

united able to grab a point against the best team in the league currently. not bad, not bad at all.

Yokan3512d ago

Very Lucky in my opinion, I think Chelsea could have won this if they didnt miss too many chances, nevertheless, I think Man U should have started with Falcao, he has yet to become prolific but this is due to the lack of playtime.

mcstorm3512d ago

Falcao is injured that's why he did not start. I also have to disagree about the missed chances argument as United could of also won the game if it was not for Chelsea's keeper.
Both Keepers had a great game yesterday and for me they are both the best young keepers in the league at this moment in time.

It was good to see united Boss a big team in the 1st half again and also good to see them keep going until the last minute.

I also thought Gary was right on sky sports to say Chelsea will win the league this season but Mourinho needs to stop bringing on defensive players when they go 1 0 up as in the champions league this will not work and it has not worked against both of the Manchester clubs this season so far.

xX_Altair_Xx3512d ago

Fair result, if RVP could finish wouldve been all 3 for Utd. Hope Falcao starts against City, still hasnt had a run as the sole striker with a 10 in behind.

PS4OUR3512d ago

It is a fair result. Today both teams done enough to deserve a point.
True @ Van Persie. Had he slot his goal in the first half and Di Maria taken his chance on the volley when he found himself unmarked in the box, it may have been a different game but credit to Chelsea. They played to win and not park a greyhound coach or two.

PS4OUR3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

KingPin + 5d ago
united defense exposed once again.
city and chelsea are going to have a party coming up against this.

asmith2306 + 4d ago
I have a feeling Utd are going to get destroyed by Chelsea. I reckon Mourinho will be out of blood here because Chelsea have been blowing teams away recently. Why not add Utd to the list?

Wait a minute. I thought United were supposed to get smashed by Chelsea because "weak defence" "shit manager" "weak midfield" etc.
These two ^^^ must watch a different kind of football. Where results are guaranteed before a ball is kicked and where judging current performance as a means to 100 percent accurately conclude the outcome of future encounters is endorsed.
Huh, football. Its a funny old game.

KingPin3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

hmmm interestingly enough you didnt quote the other comment i made in reply to you also 5 days ago.

kingpin + 5d ago
"when you look at the form of the city and chelsea strikers and the fact that both teams have been playing fantastic football the general ASSUMPTION is that they will score goals against uniteds leaky defense."

key word there being ASSUMPTION. look it up dude.

looking later on in the same comment

"im not saying we going to get a 5-0 hiding, but if we did get beat by a high score, i wouldn't be surprised."

what can you comprehend from this statement? that we are definitely going to catch a thrashing or not?

asmith23063512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

Jesus man, don't take it personally. I said I "reckon" Jose would be out for blood, because up until yesterday he was happy to go out and attack teams. He got it wrong yesterday when Chelsea were in complete control. Soon as Mikel came on in the 60th minute Chelsea dropped off and sat deep, as is Mourinho's way sometimes, and from there Utd just kept at them and got their reward. Don't know why he doesn't try seeing games out by trying to go for another goal, when another goal was very achievable for them yesterday.

b163o13512d ago

Llf, I'm surprised my name didn't get mentioned, but nevertheless, we(City) needed United to win or draw so thanks for that. One thing United players should take from this is they played a great game against the best team in the BPL, confidence plays a major role in sports so they should ride that wave into the derby, which is going to be a great game. City coming off a lost and United regaining there swagger, man i love the BPL, Looking forward to reading your comments after that one..... peace!

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