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Highlights: EPL [Week 10] - Manchester City 1-0 Manchester United (02/11/14)

Aguero (63')

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ProjectVulcan3508d ago (Edited 3508d ago )

Smalling was basically retarded. United genuinely looked like they were well in the game and could get something before that just like the week before.

City deserved it after on reflection of the reffing decisions but I don't think it's a massive blow to United when they look back at it. It was a performance with fight and spirit in the second half of a nature that was totally and utterly devoid under Moyes. 10 men gave 11 of City at home a 25 minute frightener.

Van Gaal has less points than Moyes as many might point out, but appears to have the performances and gradual improvements Moyes's side didn't. For the fans it's a better scenario, at least for now.

The defence is still a disaster, just from injuries and the fact it has been forced to change virtually every game. If he can settle it or get one classy centre back in January on the evidence of the past two games against Chelsea and City then United are capable of fighting for top 4.

City stay in the title race, but Chelsea are going to take some stopping.

goku323593508d ago

Agreed. Had it not been for Smalling United could have walked away with all 3 points.

Stringerbell3508d ago

Even when they did go a man down, I'll give them credit and say they held their own.

asmith23063507d ago

"Van Gaal has less points than Moyes as many might point out, but appears to have the performances and gradual improvements Moyes's side didn't. For the fans it's a better scenario, at least for now." - while I tend to agree, it's a results based business, so their performances mean jack if they continue their current streak. They are just losing or drawing in prettier fashion. They are sitting 10th in the table which says it all. LVG is doing a no better job than Moyes, but Utd fans keep dressing it up as if he is.

xX_Altair_Xx3507d ago

Yes, but at this stage last season Moyes had the support of the majority of the fans even though performances werent great. Likewise LVG deserves that support until at least March/April (when the sentiment really turned against Moyes). You're right, performances are better but they're not picking up the points. He'll get sacked if he finishes outside the top 4, but i'm confident that they will finish there as despite a terrible start they're in touching distance and the January window to come where they can blow some money.

In the long run City and Chelsea have shown that spending takes you to the top.

asmith23063507d ago

@Altair, I wouldn't say money is the answer to everything. Arsenal have done very well for themselves given what money they have spent over the years in comparison to Chelsea, City and Utd. I think that consideration is very valid when it is the top 4 Utd are aiming for.

I personally don't think they will finish in the top 4. Their starting 11 was the most expensive 11 ever assembled in the Premier League and they didn't manage a shot on target until the 70th minute. City are hardly a world class team on the pitch, their European results show this.

ProjectVulcan3507d ago (Edited 3507d ago )

LvG had a great deal more to fix than when Moyes came in and the fans recognise that. For example, the entire experienced defence Moyes had has cleared out, Evra, Ferdinand and Vidic. That only added to the list of problems LvG had to address that Moyes's side suffered, which was no cutting edge. This eventually spiralled into a total lack of effort and fight, and dismal displays against every top 8 club.

You can only fix so much in one transfer window. This was always a multi window job.

As I also pointed out, some blame might be apportioned to LvG for not buying another defender, but he was not to know that most of his defenders would be injured constantly for the first three months of the season. At one stage United had 9 senior players out.

The displays incline me to believe he has had a positive impact in the short time he has been at the club, whereas other managers like Brendan Rodgers for example might start getting questions when you look at the serious regression and no such excuse of a lack of time to shape the team.

If United keep performing as they did for parts against City and Chelsea, the results will start to come to them.

listenkids3507d ago (Edited 3507d ago )

It's a silly comparison and one which takes out huge factors.

Jones, Rafael, Smalling, Evans, Vidic, Rio and Evra in Moyes back line with minimal injury throughout. They were also high on the title win the previous year with the same team.

Now, LVG has better players, but also more inexperienced, unfamiliar players and a boat load of injuries (11 so far). The back 4 yesterday consisted of Valencia (29y/o RM) Carrick (33y/o CM) McNair (19y/o CB) and Shaw (19y/o LB) that's not a back up defense, that's fucked up.

Throw in the fact RVP and Mata are having a stinker of a season and Falcao/Rooney have been out and you have a totally incomparable season.

Not to say they can't do better, but it's a comparison against a team that won the league and a team where 9/11 haven't played together.

xX_Altair_Xx3507d ago

Add to that Utd havent played the same back 4 in consecutive matches this season, through injury, suspension etc.