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Netflix's Death Note not Having Japanese Lead Characters is Not a Problem

Recently, the teaser trailer for “Death Note,” a Netflix exclusive movie, was released to the web and anime fans got into a frenzy.

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hellothere19772590d ago

doesn't matter. japanese, actually, all asians, are too chicken to stand up to white/black/latino/gay/fem america anyways. they don't mind the table scraps.

you think blacks would allow a show to let dr. mlk, jr character be played by a white actor?

S2Killinit2590d ago (Edited 2590d ago )

what? lol sorry I couldn't resist.

On topic. I'm so excited for this. If the Anime is anything to go by, the show will be great (as long as they can capture what made the anime so unique)

REDDURT2590d ago

I never understood how being gay is like being black. Being gay is behavior. Being black is a skin color. MlK was a real person so him bring white would be a tragedy for more reasons then I'm willing to discuss .

DragoonsScaleLegends2590d ago

Non-fiction vs fictional characters are not comparable. Of course if it's based on history it should be a actor who can look most like the character and can actually act. But when it comes to fictional characters it doesn't mean that much other than the original fanbase will obviously not like change.

Specifically anime almost none of the characters ever look Asian and I've seen Asian anime movies and almost every time the actors just don't look anything like the actual characters from the anime other than hair and costumes. So if that's fine I don't see a problem with choosing random people for the acting positions in a American adaptation.

The only issue I find with American adaptations is that Hollywood idiots try to change the story into their own vision that is usually generic trash like the DragonBall movie. Of course they chose a white dude to play Goku and he was bad but not because of his race. Almost every other character in that movie was Asian and they looked nothing like the actual characters and were horrible actors just like everyone in that horrific film that I wish I could erase from my memory.

Also what do you mean Asians are too chicken to stand up? Stand up to who exactly? I don't like how you are grouping people by race when everyone is different regardless of race. I'm white but that doesn't mean I have anything to do with liberal Hollywood apparently in your mind suppressing their fellow liberals when Hollywood is supposedly the most accepting of different people...

rocketpanda2589d ago

Your statement already became irrelevant and false before the end of the 2nd line. Making vast sweeping statements.

warriorcase2589d ago

what do they need to stand up to? The own and created the original of a lot of these anime adaptations and have had them for ages. If anything it's everyone else grabbing what scraps they can. I'm pretty sure Asians don't give a shit.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2589d ago
REDDURT2590d ago

I never understood how being gay is like being black. Being gay is behavior. Being black is a skin color. MlK was a real person so him bring white would be a tragedy for more reasons then I'm willing to discuss .

DragoonsScaleLegends2590d ago

Tragedy no, straight up retarded if it was serious yes, it would have to be a comedy skit to work.

NovusTerminus2590d ago (Edited 2590d ago )

It's no different then Attack on Titan and Full Metal Alchemist's movies beings cast as all Asian. Anime fans are just living in an extreme double standard right now.


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