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Things That Will Make 11x2 Better

Hi,I am writing this because there were things bugging me about this site and things that should be done to make it better...I have sent a FEW PM's to the most active users to get their opinions.
Let's start:

1.An 11x2 forum to discuss topics like this (and other things)

2.SPAMMERS Account (and IP's) should be banned IMMEDIETALLY.

3.The ability to crop images on this site.
Because we all know it's a pain to find the perfect picture for the site.

4.Let the most active (or most trusted) users add TAGS (or..)
..ALL users can submit tags (with their correct informations),A mod or active users can check the submitted Tags...3 or 5 wrongly added tags the ones who submitted them will be BANNED from submitting any new tags

5.ADVERTISING on N4G and Techspy to get more members.
I think we all noticed how much the trafic is slow on 11x2...N4G and Techspy have the most users and a high traffic...Also lots of 11x2 users are originally N4G users...So why not advertize for joining in and winning "easy" awards

6.The Story Flow
You need to approve 3 in order to submit ONLY 5.The traffic is so slow so I would suggest approve 3/5 to submit 10.

7.We should always add a fantasy table.
It was fun,I admit and I hope it will stay for the upcoming mmonths

Thanks for reading this...And please tell your opinions in the comments.
EDIT : New suggestion :
~New type : Preview since we post lots of previews,I thought we should add a Preview type
~New Channel : Other Cups (Like FA CUP,Copa Del Rey and others...easier for us)

(Suggested by KingsCross)
A place to read stats and a little suggestion by me...The ability to SUBMIT stats (gets 1 or 2 points) and when a stat gets approved (by mods or users) get a 5 point what do you all think ?

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MasterGuru5010d ago

Agreed. We desperately need more members on this site. The traffic flow is really really bad. Sometimes, I wonder how a site like this can get a 1000+ temperature.

And I agree with tag part.

And with the picture part.

Basically, I agree with everything.

donb5009d ago

Sometimes when a news posted gets High Google Ranking - like when a recent news as Highlights is posted early - then it can be many thousand entering the news in no time = High temprature.

karim5009d ago

We're not gonna post things against the rules & guidelines

RedDevils5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

I want A gif Avatar, and banned porno avatar or give them warning LOL

I want something like a chat device on the bottom of the page, or something that pop up when whoever jump on or just sign in

I also want live fixture or result when game about to play like epsn/soccernet or does that would be cool

Yeah and I want Fantasy league where we can earn points for each match the player play in, that would be fun for all members that participate in and who ever rank 1 at the end of the season will earn a prize, ie (player play full match = 5pt, player take part of the match =2pt, score =5pt, assist =5pt, with yellow -3pt clean-sheet = 8pt etc etc)

KingsCross5010d ago

I agree on your very good points as well!

+ I would like a place to read stats as well. Like Championships standings and Schedule.

I really like the site, and find it strange that not more people uses it. But, I think its a matter of time until people understands it.

MasterGuru5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

STATS!!! I'm a stat junkie so I think your idea is brilliant... We can have the contributors editing the stats...That'll be great!

karim5009d ago

I have A LOT LOT of stats and I would like to contribute for stats ;)

MasterGuru5009d ago

I have stats for Barcelona. Including how many minutes each team member has played. How many goals scored, assists. etc etc

I think we should all be assigned to contribute stats to one team. Like for example, I'll represent Barcelona, karim can represent Chelsea, etc etc and we can edit each others stats but if we mess somthing up, we can get banned from editing stats... Y'know what I mean?

We don't have to have stats for EVERY team...Just the biggest and popular ones...The teams most popular on 11x2...

karim5009d ago

Chelsea,Barcelona,Madrid,Valen cia (A lot of users with Valencia),Inter and AC Milan,Maybe Juventus and Roma,Manchester United/City,Arsenal,Liverpool, Tottenham,Marseille,Ajax,PSV,Ra ngers annd Celtic (Maybe) and some others.
I think it should be kinda of a very organized place with lots of features

FootballZilla5010d ago

Karim really nice list, crop images on site and more people(gain traffic quicker)

Maradona5009d ago

many good points here Karim.
Another thing, is that the users should be better to use the "tweet like" and "facebook liker" that are showed on each news. This will increase the trafic on the site. And invite our friends to try the site.

RedDevils5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

Yeah like share site with friends, the more the merer :D

no_more_heroes5009d ago

Agree with everything on this list. A Fantasy League on this site would be awesome if it's not too much trouble, Mr. Webmaster (Dusty, I think).

And on point 5, I've been on N4G since 2006, when it was only n4g and nothing else. This expansion into Newsboiler is the 3rd Major upgrade that I've seen to the site and has grown exponentially. Over those 4 years, I've seen MANY football crests on user profiles, so I know there is a LOT of football fans over there.

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