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Kobe Bryant Welcomes Stevie G to La La Land

TK: The news may have been upsetting to long time Liverpool fans but to a major NBA star, he can’t wait to see the Merseyside man put on a LA Galaxy jersey. That man is none other than LA Lakers icon Kobe Bryant.

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saadd203448d ago

It was expected, but wish you the best Stevie G. Hope you enjoy the LA life but please come back on Thierry Henry did for Arsenal.

saadd203448d ago

i know...fits perfectly to the story. I cant imagine Stevie G in another jersey..Its a feeling that isnt sunk in yet.

Stringerbell3448d ago

Same here. Though I did read he may return to LFC on a loan deal during the MLS off season.

saadd203448d ago

I hope so too buddy. Thats what I read. Will really help our chances. He may get another shot at the Champions League if we make it to the knockout rounds next season. The least Stevie could do is guide us to the top 4. Who is there that is really a true icon now? Torres, Suarez, Agger, Alonso, Carragher, and now Gerrard..all gone!

MajorLazer3447d ago

Could help you guys in Europa League (if you manage to even qualify for that)

Nes_Daze3447d ago

Damn you L.A. Galaxy... :/ east coast needs to step up their game. I can't wait until Orlando City starts playing.

OzzY-waZZy3447d ago

Grinds my gears how overrated this numpty is.

LightDiego3446d ago

Beckham and Owen are overrated.
Stevie G is good.