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December 2015 Contest

Another remark about how it's literally December and 2016 is NEXT MONTH.

December 2015 Contest: Contributors (total) bonuses! Submit the goods and make sure they are swell. Acquiring an infraction on your account disqualifies you!

Contributor (total) bits:
1st - $50 Gift Card
2nd - $50 Gift Card
3rd - $30 Gift Card
4th - $20 Gift Card

(Yes, the two $50 gift cards is intentional)

Christmas Bonus:
Write a blog post about how you grew in the year of 2015! Highlight important things that influenced you in the year and what you learned, how you learned about yourself, perhaps others as well.

I will read them all and cherish them. All submissions must be in before December 31st, 2015 at 11:59 EST. Don't wait. Start working on and submitting them now.

1st - $100 Gift Card

Some Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all 11x2 users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
2. Closing date is 11:59 PM EST December 31st, 2015.
3. In the event of unforeseen circumstances 11x2/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
4. Prizes are not transferable.
5. The winners of the competition will be notified by 11x2 ticket on or before January 7th, 2016.
6. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize

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RetrospectRealm3112d ago

I hope everyone has a good holiday season! Good luck to all! :)

Alxe3112d ago

Great ... Good luck!