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Palermo star Pastore: Why I rejected Barcelona

Palermo ace Javier Pastore has expanded on why he rejected Barcelona.

While on his winter break in Argentina, Pastore revealed he turned down both Barca and Real Madrid in 2010.

Now back in Sicily, Pastore was asked about his revelation.

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MasterGuru4905d ago

One day, you will join Barcelona, Pastore. You are the perfect man for them.

KingsCross4904d ago

I think so to. He was right not leaving at the moment. He would be benched for a decade.

MasterGuru4904d ago

ROFLMAO... You crack me up... Bubs up+

rafay4905d ago

He's right. Big clubs don't let you grow.

MasterGuru4904d ago

Tell that to Lionel Messi.

rafay4903d ago

Messi is not ordinary by any measure is he? Look at Borjan... He would be a star if he was in a team like Spurs or Everton.

And I doubt it that Pastore would be ranked so highly if he goes to Barcelona and can't even get in the starting line-up.