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donb4989d ago

Strong match by Chelsea!

sokrates4989d ago

Yes, they played well. I wonder why, since evry Chelsea fan has excuses over injuries. Lampard didnt play - why did they win? LOL!

KingsCross4989d ago

Chelsea will be back and pass United in may. Just wait. Your comments is redicoulus- as always.

I am proud over what the boys delivered today. Real energy and class! No team can beat them today.

GJ234989d ago

Too early to get carried away. Good performance but Bolton were poor as well. Might be the game that saves Chelsea's title hopes though

karim4988d ago

Tbh,Lampard hasn't been living up to expectation since he came back but today his injury was a blessing in disguise because Essien has been able to go more forward AND Mikel was excellent.

no_more_heroes4989d ago

looks like Ramires isn't a waste of money after all. I think people forgot that he's had to adapt to a much more physical style of play than he's used to playing against. Just because they don't hit the ground running doesn't mean they're a flop. Look at Alex Song!

GJ234989d ago

Ramires looks very popular with the players as well. nice to see them supporting him

MaximusPrime4988d ago

well, its his first goal and he deserved to be congratulated

GJ234989d ago

Brilliant strike by Drogba. His best so far this season i think

zico4988d ago

Fantastic goal! And Chelsea just needed this. Ìt`s to far up to United, but they need to play for "CL place" next year

GJ234988d ago

This performance should set them back on track. I dont think ancelotti will be there next year unless they get 3rd place at least

sokrates4988d ago

Thats for sure. I hope he do well- and Chelsea keep on loosing with all the best players fit:)

GJ234988d ago

I would like to see them lose a game with their strongest team out just to see what the excuse would be then lol

Mozilla894989d ago

Hopefully we're finally through our "bad moment"

zico4988d ago

yes this match can maybe turn a painful and long period for Chelsea. I never thought chelsea would play as poorly as they have done in this period. But yesterday they showed once again strength.

Mozilla894988d ago

This week was interesting. All of the traditional big 4 (Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool, and Arsenal) beat their opponents by multiple goals and kept clean sheets. You'd think this was 2007!

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