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Andy Gray Fired Over Sexist Comments

One of British soccer's leading television commentators was fired Tuesday, a day after being taken off the air and temporarily suspended for making sexist remarks about a female match official.

Andy Gray, the face of Sky Sports' soccer coverage for the past two decades, was dismissed by the broadcaster after "new evidence of unacceptable and offensive behavior" that took place off-air last month.

The former Scotland striker and broadcast colleague Richard Keys had been reprimanded and removed from duty Monday for making derogatory comments about lineswoman Sian Massey, former referee Wendy Toms and West Ham executive Karren Brady.

"Andy Gray's contract has been terminated for unacceptable behavior," Sky Sports managing director Barney Francis said Tuesday. "We have no hesitation in taking this action after becoming aware of new information today."

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KingsCross4988d ago

??? What happend? This is really a shock. He thaught he was off air- made a joke and is fired after almost 20 years entertaining football fans with his excellent comments and knowledge.

GJ234988d ago

I know. I think it's terrible the way this has been handled. Really badly done by sky. Fine him for a few weeks, let it blow over then let him back. To fire him is disrespectful for all he's done

sokrates4988d ago

Shit! This is really a blow for Andy and the rest who loves him comment the premier league matches. Even on playstation he is the man! I guess he will be back soon in another channel. I cant believe sky sport fired just like that!

zico4988d ago

They have to make new FIFA 11 now;-)

no_more_heroes4988d ago

y'know I was just wondering about that. Would they bother update it so that it's different commentators or would they just leave it and use different commentators for future versions? Would they still use him regardless?

GJ234988d ago

They wont change the commentators. Costs too much money. The games publishers are too greedy

RufustheKing4988d ago

they should do a update for FIFA11 where andy gives a few sexist comments and everything will be ok.

GJ234988d ago

He is easily the best commentator to listen to. He knows so much about the sport. Big loss for sky

Denny_David4988d ago

ya....very hey...hell up on air soon !!

donb4988d ago

Agree. It wont take long. I guess other channels are working on offering a job already. Its gonna be sky sports loss first of all.

zico4988d ago

Ridiculous WORLD WE LIVE in! Where will it end? Now lose the job because of this, then it is something wrong. Sky Sport have done a terrible mistake!

I wish Andy Gray good luck in another sport channel, because he will get a new offer from many channels!

KingsCross4988d ago

True enough. Considered his an relativly old man, educated when time was different, what he did is not that wrong. I even think most of the male football fans world wide smiled when they red what he had said. A fee to show respect for female footballers had been fine. Fired is Crazy!

GJ234988d ago

nearly everyone i know laughed at his comments. Fired just to appease the few women that were offended is just stupidity

GJ234988d ago

He'll be on Match of the day soon enough. Sky's loss.

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