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Carragher retains European hope

Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher has not given up hope of European qualification but says next week's clash at home to Manchester City is "massive".

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sokrates4919d ago

Liverpool has to start to foucs on next season. This one was wasted before it really started. I hope Liverpool do better next season, thanks to Dalglish and Suarez!

ultramoot4919d ago

How optimistic. I don't believe in that at all anymore. Not since the "hoofball" tactic came back into play after Carroll became a regular starter. Watching the West Brom game was just painful, especially seeing Suarez hardly being given anything to work with, while the defenders just "hoof" it up to Carroll everytime they have ball and hope for a bit of luck.

I thought the addition of Andy Carroll was to add an extra variety to the attack, not hoofing it up to him all the time. If this is how the team is going to play from now on just because of Carroll, then buying him in the first place was a HUGE mistake.

GJ234917d ago

Man city should have too much quality for them. I think liverpool have a pretty good chance of europe though