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Premier League considers addition of winter break

The Premier League says it is looking into the possibility of introducing a winter break into its packed schedule.

Premier League Chairman Dave Richards tells a British parliamentary inquiry into soccer that the body has been ''discussing ways forward how we can introduce a winter break.''

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no_more_heroes4917d ago

The Premier League desperately needs one. It's too hectic for everyone.

zootang4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

No more christmas football : ( A sad day.

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!

no_more_heroes4917d ago

true, but it could mean less injuries and more energy for the last part of the season, especially for World Cup and Euro Championship years. Maybe England would be able to actually win something.

freeduck4917d ago

Winter break is desperately needed. I remember in December one weekend essentially all games got canceled. Other games got canceled because of bad weather. I think the players and fans would appreciate a short break.

GJ234917d ago

Im against it. I like having football during the holidays. Makes a change from all the bad christmas films that are on