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LeBron James joins Liverpool

United States basketball star LeBron James has become a minority stakeholder in Liverpool after signing a representation deal with club owners Fenway Sports Group.

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ultramoot4811d ago

Misleading title.

LeBron signed an exclusive representation rights agreement deal with FSM. Since this is a first time FSM is dealing with representing individual pro-athletes, they had to give him some form of guarantee in case the partnership turns sour. Thus they gave him a minority stake within the LFC shares.

It's not LeBron investing money into Liverpool FC. He didn't suddenly wake up one morning and decide to help LFC. It's LeBron being given a part of Liverpool FC for the duration of his personal deal with FSM, as a kind of mortgage.

GJ234803d ago

Thanks for clearing that up. Seems like a good move from FSM

Sahil4804d ago

Ya, I think he only joins as a stakeholder.

GJ234803d ago

James has done dome research. Good on him