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Carlo Ancelotti on the precipice as Chelsea prepare for Old Trafford

Didier Drogba wore a bra to denote two cups and Carlo Ancelotti abandoned Italian cool for the day to chant away on the deck of the open-top bus carrying Chelsea through west London. A Premier League and FA Cup Double winner in his first season in charge, Ancelotti had declared: "I think this team has the quality to win the Champions League – without changes."

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lukie1224814d ago

Chelsea should fire Ancelotti and buy Guus Hiddink!

GJ234807d ago

Ancelotti should be given another season to make a mark. He'll do well with them next season

Sahil4806d ago

Yeah, he did it last year with the same players, he can do it again.

Sahil4812d ago

Play Drogba, Anelka and Malouda in the front and your through!

GJ234807d ago

"Didier Drogba wore a bra"


Sahil4806d ago

LOL.. I didn't see it for the first time.. it's guardian!