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Wenger won't throw in the towel

Arsene Wenger says Arsenal have never "cheated" their fans out of ambition - and has no plans to quit to satisfy the critics' call for change.

The Gunners boss has once again found his unwavering faith in youth called into question as the club face the possibility of a sixth season without silverware.

While Arsenal have hardly stood still in that period, either on or off the pitch, Wenger knows some people will continue to judge success purely by silverware.

However, the 61-year-old Frenchman maintains everything he has done since transforming the fortunes of the north London club over the past decade has been for the greater good - and he is not about to pack it all in now.

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lukie1224803d ago

He still has a small chance, he should take it...

Sahil4802d ago

Yeah, he'll call it a quit whenever he feels like which means, he'll probably says quit when Arsenal start to win some silverware. There is a possibility of them taking the league this year, th title is still very much in balance, after looking at the fixtures.

GJ234795d ago

Keep at it wenger. You'll get a trophy again one day