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Alexandre Pato: I will never leave AC Milan

AC Milan striker Alexandre Pato says that last season's Serie A title triumph was just the beginning of his success with the club as he looks forward to winning more trophies next term.

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no_more_heroes4755d ago

Empty words. No such thing as loyalty in football anymore.

zootang4755d ago

Didn't Kaka once say the same thing?

no_more_heroes4755d ago

Yep, said it was because Milan needed the money.

zootang4755d ago


I hope Cesc stays for the good of the premier league but I would like Nasri to join United.

Anderson84755d ago

i disagree there is still plenty of loyalty in the game..

leomessi104755d ago

You never will but AC Milan will leave you :D

asfdher4754d ago

good news, new fashion items .

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