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Highlights: Manchester United 2-3 Blackburn Rovers (English Premier League - 31/12/11)

0-1 Yakubu 16'
0-2 Yakubu (pen) 51'
1-2 Berbatov 52'
2-2 Berbatov 62'
2-3 Hanley 81'

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neoragex4645d ago

Happy birthday and Very Happy New year Mr.Ferguson.. lol

buddymagoo4645d ago (Edited 4645d ago )

Very spiteful, you should be ashamed! Well done Blackburn as always we will have to bounce back. This is one hell of a tense premier league season.

We need our injured players back and quick!

b163o14645d ago

LMAO, I'm sorry......I really had to do a double take when I seen the score. Valuable points dropped United, City really needs to capitalize on this opportunity and take the 3points. Hell to the naw lol

NewMonday4645d ago

draw with Liverpool and a win from MU, if BB do the same to the bottom teams they can survive, the fans need to ly off for a bit more.

RedDevils4645d ago

Don't worry City still have 2 hard game with 48 hours, 1 against Sunderland away with O'neil in charge, and the other are Pool let see if they can get any 3pt out of any of those matches

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As much as I am pissed of by that result today, I feel glad for Steve Kean, I felt sorry for the fella.

Abdou234645d ago

When will the curse of injuries stop? Why the hel didn't Rooney play ?!

Infernostew4645d ago

Seems as though SAF underestimated Blackburn and gave Rooney the match off. He should've at least been on the bench because we really could've used him in the 2nd half.

Abdou234645d ago

I thought so too, He was a little arrogant today maybe because of his birthday.

NewMonday4645d ago

2 goals scored in the 2nd half, the problem was in the back

RedDevils4645d ago

There were 2 player that wasn't having a good day and that is Nani and De Gea, who should be off and De Gea should be play in this match when it should have been Lindergaard, anyway SAF underestimate Blackburn by having no experience on the bench not even Giggs

Gamer19824645d ago

Really gonna play the injury card? Terrible that is you still played last seasons highest goal scorer and half your first team. Wasn't there an article on here earlier this year saying united could field 3 title winning sides? Sick of hearing we have quality depth then when results don't go your way you blame your depth. Sure you didn't play your full 11 today however you were playing Blackburn who are bottom of the league for good reason they apart from maybe Yakubu are crap and would struggle in the championship let alone the premier league.

Steve Kean I think has done a good job with what he has at the club I said it before this result and even more so now. He has little to work with and I feel sorry for the guy. If Sam Alydyce couldn't do anything with that team how can Kean?

Infernostew4645d ago

The injury card reads this... We have midfielders playing in the defense.

MaximusPrime4644d ago

Rooney didnt play because Fergie punished him for partying on Boxing day, apparently

zeddy4645d ago

welldone to blackburn i suppose but if we had a full defense im pretty sure we wouldnt have conceded 3 goals today. but de gea has cost us to many times this season, if not for him we would have atleast got a point today and would be top of the league, i hope to see lindegaard in goal for the foreseeable future.

Prophet1124645d ago

I agree, I think SAF made a mistake playing the weaker De Gea knowing that Samba and Yakubu were starting especially with our defense as it is. I also thought playing players out of formation in the first half was the wrong way to go, should of started Pogba or Anderson in place of Welbeck/Hernandez and Rafael at right back. Rooney should of been on the bench at least.

RedDevils4645d ago (Edited 4645d ago )

he didn't cost us too many time this season, what about the time he save our ass in many occasion, although he not suitable with this match which I believe Lingergaard should play instead as he wouldn't have problem dealing with Samba or Yakubu when it come to setpieces. Anyway our defence were weak and the team were poor especially in the final third too slow, too predictable and no urgency, hope we don't underestimate anyone like this anymore

Infernostew4645d ago

Very disappointing way to end the year but we'll bounce back. I can't take anything away from Blackburn since they played their hearts out and at least deserved a point for their determination. Goalkeeping was extremely suspect today and I'm sure the scoreline would've been a bit different if Lindegaard had been in goal. No Rooney, not even on the bench, turned out to be a bad decision but injuries have been wearing the squad down... especially in the defense. Berbatov and Valencia we both outstanding today but some other players will look back on this match with embarrassment.

A tough loss to swallow, especially from a team at rock bottom but this is the prem and anything can happen. Real bummed that city will be top of the table through the new year but we're Man Utd and we will never die!

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