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Balotelli charged for Scott stamp

The Sun- Mario Balotelli is facing a four-game ban for stamping on Scott Parker's head.

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buddymagoo4525d ago (Edited 4525d ago )

The people who disagreed must think it is fine to do this to another human being, scum!

Ninjamonkey824524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Plain and simple evil from a player with form. He knew fine rightly where Scott parkers head was there.

He was out to deal Damage there tbh. From the minute he hit the pitch parker was a thorn in his side, he could not handle that. Thats his way of dealing with things he can't handle.

End of the day im a Man Utd fan i know theres players in the team now and threw out the history that have been and are responsable for some bad sh*t.

Im against anything thing like this in football full stop. Pretty sure Mr Balotelli tried to take it to a new level there though.

Theres a term for the offense Lescott commited during the game. Leading with the arm.

Was not an elbow but at the same time still a cardable offense if not a sending off, if we gonna go by the letter of the law in football.

It was no where near the severity to what the intent as to what Balotelli had in mind. could have landed parker in hospital with a fractured skull are worse.

Sahil4524d ago

So, Lescott gets away scot free for an offence as bad if not worse than Baloteli.

As ever, foreign players get treated differently to English ones. The xenophobia rampant in the FA and the media is unreal.