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FootballZilla - 11x2 Moderator


CRank: 38Score: 439800

Whats happened to 11x2?

Ive got no idea why people still post on here, the staff dont even come on here any more.. its being going down hill for quite a will now.. but at the moment its ats its lowest peak..
Theres not even any contests anymore.

This site had some really good potential to be one of the best football news sources.. and the banter was good..

Im confused..

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jak3y13oy4583d ago

it's a shame to see this happening on this site, your right. I check on 11x2 about 3,4 times a day and see nothing really only stories from yesterday or my own!
Also there barely pending stories any more, hate to see the number '0' or '1' next to my picture :(.
I have been submitting more often now to keep this site going, I'm doing my part! just need you guys as well!
Where have the contests gone? Maybe that's why people have stopped submitting stories?
The banter was brilliant as well!
Guys go onto, bleacher report any footy news website and get it on here!

@FootballZilla we could just run the site, just the two of us! :P

kulka4583d ago

Agreed this site has been in a decline for the last few months plenty of people are not recieving their prices.. let's get this site active again

jak3y13oy4583d ago

Yeah I won a 11x2 shirt a couple months back.. Still waiting for it... -.-

buddymagoo4582d ago (Edited 4582d ago )

I was contributing a good 10 articles a day for the past 3 months to win prizes. I came 1st in January comments, 1st in February articles and hottest news and received no acknowledgement of winning never mind prizes. So I stopped.

I would happily post on a more regular basis if I knew it was worth just that little bit more than enjoyment. Also I feel negative towards the site because contests and prizes are announced but winners receive nothing. It feels like I'm being conned.

I could run this site by myself, I can post at least 15 articles a day on my own and the proof is in the history.

FootballZilla4583d ago

Yes but for this site to be active there has to be staff on, i asked them a while back if they needed any help.. i wanted be staff or take care of the contests.. like the fantasy football..

freeduck4583d ago

I love this site, I've been a member for over a year and I get a lot of info from this site. I wish I could be more active and submit news but I'm so busy so I just read and comment.
What's going on with the staff? They need to keep their word and give prizes for top comments, top submissions, etc.

Gamer19824582d ago

Sites falling apart as the staff themselves don't bother with it. You gotta get good staff to start up a good site then go from there. Forget prizes... Members want a good community not prizes. If they come here for just the prizes then they are the wrong type of audience.

Site was doing well from launch but now its only got news on top 5-6 teams around world and nothing more as nobody is bothering posting articles any more. I used to post them myself but whats the point if nobody else will? I didn't do it for a t-shirt though and wasn't even aware of a competition until i read this article lol.

buddymagoo4582d ago (Edited 4582d ago )

People love prizes and will work hard for them like I and others who have contributed in the past. I guess golden cannon left because he felt conned after coming top quite often to recieve nothing. I love the community as you will notice I have been the top commenter the past 3 months. It is work and takes a good 2 hours a day to keep on top of 15 plus articles so it is right to want to seek reward.

People like you pop up once a week (your account shows this) and the site would be dead with only people like you. As has been proven this week.

11x2Contest4581d ago

I understand your frustration..... We will send your prices in a short time. sorry for late payment!

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