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Highlights: Tottenham 1-5 Chelsea (FA Cup Semifinal - 15/04/12)

43' (0-1)Didier Drogba
49' (0-2)Juan Mata
56' (1-2)Gareth Bale
77' (1-3)Ramires
81' (1-4)Frank Lampard
90' (1-5)Florent Malouda

Liverpool play Chelsea in the 2012 FA Cup Final at Wembley on May 5th.

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freeduck4446d ago

After Ramires scored that 3rd goal Spurs gave up and crumpled.
Can't wait for the final and Torres face when we lift our new trophy!

ProjectVulcan4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

I think yous will get battered in the final TBH. I just don't see how you are going to pose a decent goal threat against them. You struggled to break down anyone, Everton yesterday and even Cardiff in the league cup final.

I know its three weeks away but in my money you are outsiders. Chelsea have a fantastic record in the cup in recent years they love it.

Chelsea will probably be out of europe by the time they play the final. If that is the case, they'll want the cup to make up for it and Liverpool aren't the team to stop them IMO.

freeduck4446d ago

Liverpool have won the recent 4 fixtures against Chelsea. We have a fit defense composing of Johnson, Skrtel, Agger, and Enrique and Reina will be back as well. Their only threat comes from Mata but our midfield kept him quiet when we went to the Bridge twice earlier this season . Their defense is shaky and I could see them struggling against Suarez, on-form Carroll, Bellamy and even Downing has proven his worth in the recent weeks.
Not worried at the slightest bit, will be a close game but Liverpool will win this.

ProjectVulcan4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

Past history? Chelsea have been poor since the start of the season under AVB but they have improved considerably and are getting better all the time. 12 games under Di Matteo, 9 wins, 2 draws and a single loss.

Liverpool however, don't seem to be. Their form is the total opposite. Chelsea just love the cup. They have won 3 out the past 4 FA cup finals they have played in the past 10 years.

You were nothing special yesterday either, lucky if anything to beat Everton. You hardly create anything against half decent organised sides. You couldn't beat Cardiff in 120 minutes! You squeezed past a struggling Blackburn, and couldn't beat Villa at Anfield who are on an even worse run of league form than yourselves....

Chelsea only have to play like they did in the second half today and you'll be obliterated. I haven't seen Liverpool play football as creative or as good as that all season. Honestly ask yourself if Liverpool have played football as good all season as Chelsea did 2nd half today, or against Napoli in the 2nd leg?

Liverpool have so few players that can create something out of nothing, a spark, a magic like Drogba did today.

You called Carroll "on form" because he has scored a couple of goals despite missing absolute sitters LOL

You are worried and you should be. You have a chance no doubt, depending on which Chelsea side turn up. If they are having a bad day you can scrape a win on pens or something. But if the hungry Chelsea turn up, you're as good as beat.

freeduck4446d ago

I'm not surprised of Di Matteo's record at Chelsea, it's called a "honeymoon period" and every manager has one. A recent example would be O'Neil at Sunderland.
By the way, if you actually watch the games this season up until March Liverpool pass and play the ball really well and Opta reported that our squad produces the most chances than any other squad. The problem is that the strikers are not clinical enough, and the solution is fairly simple to fix this summer.
No one criticizes the quality of our football, because in 90-95% of our games this season we have dominated possession and had the most shots. Chelsea in the 2nd half were just average at best IMO, they took advantage of a Spurs side that didn't give a crap. First goal by Drogba was a fluke given the # of goals he scored this season, the 2nd goal should never have happened, Ramires and Malouda's goal could've been avoided if the defense didn't sleep and Cudicini should've saved Lampard's free-kick.

Again, I'm not worried. You will see how average Chelsea are when they take on Barcelona. They score 5 goals today and all of a sudden they are world class and because they won some FA cups recently it's considered their Cup now? As far as I know, Liverpool has a bigger history in cup competitions.

ProjectVulcan4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

Past history? I started my previous reply with that, as you brought it up.

But thats what Liverpool always say....Chelsea have RECENT history in the cup, in the league. Standard Liverpool fan remark is bring up history be it cup and especially league, buts thats as i pointed out in my first remark.

History, in Liverpool's case, ancient history. Questionable what it is worth in this discussion.

I watched a great deal of Liverpool's games and what i saw was a great deal of huffing and puffing. Everton was no different, nor Villa, nor Blackburn, nor Newcastle where you were totally outplayed etc etc

What Chelsea have managed to do under Di Matteo recently is something Liverpool have been poor at- score enough goals against good sides!!

The fact you brought up the champions league SEMI FINAL against BARCELONA and are still downplaying Chelsea's recent form is laughable. To even get to the semi Chelsea have had to play well and far better than Liverpool have any time this season or especially the past dozen games or it not true you can only dream of another european semi final....?

To say Spurs didn't give a crap is also ridiculous. Of course they did. They were desperate to win today. To say Drogba's goal was a fluke is just as preposterous. The 2nd goal also appeared to have actually crossed the line. If if if. Chelsea were just the better side today, creating and finishing a host of chances.

This all smells of someone not really knowing what they are talking about.

I'll tell you what, if Liverpool beat Chelsea comfortably in the cup final inbox me and remind me of this post i'll admit i was wrong. If Chelsea turn up and beat you without too much worry, expect an inbox from me......

freeduck4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

Well the reason why I bring up the past is because Dalglish has a good history in cup competitions as a player and manager, and that has shown this season. Should he improve his record in the league? Yeah, but unlike Chelsea fans we (and the owners) will actually give our managers time. Hodgson was an exemption for obvious reasons. Now Comolli is out, Kenny can buy the players that will actually work.

The champions league treated Chelsea too nicely this season. They barely made it out of the group, played Napoli who are 6th in the league (I remember we beat them 3-1 last season at Anfield with our reserves for Europa), and Benifica who AVB knew so well and recycled his tactics from Porto. Don't matter if they are in the semifinals or not unless they can actually beat the top teams like Madrid, Bayern, Barca, Milan, etc.

And earlier I said Spurs didn't care anymore as soon as the 3rd goal went in, afterwards they gave up and leaked 2 more.

and I'll be sure to send you a quick msg May 5th when we are victorious!

NewMonday4446d ago

will take Chelsea over Spurs, we always have trouble with their pace, but the Blues slower game is better for us. it will be 50/50

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4446d ago
RGB4446d ago

Balls was over, extremely impossible to call live but this proves it was over.

TKCMuzzer4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

Nice try. The image is distorted as it's a photo from a tv screen. The verticals are not vertical which means every other angle is also distorted. Nice try though.
It's a very dodgy picture, almost as if it's been slightly squeezed to convince.
I mean, even John Terry said it was not over and he was on the line.

RGB4446d ago

Actually photo from legitimate source. Either way, it didn't matter. No pun intended! Two poor sides in The F.A. Cup final.

buddymagoo4445d ago

Ball was not over the line. Even terry said so himself

RGB4445d ago (Edited 4445d ago )

The F.A. submitted this image as their official take on the goal. Like I said, either way both teams are poor and aren't champions league quality.

Edit: Well they're champions league quality but nowhere near Real, Barca, A.C. or Bayern.

Jihaad_cpt4445d ago (Edited 4445d ago )

are you blind or dumb?

If you think that ball crossed the line you need a lobotomy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4445d ago
silvacrest4445d ago

if our only scoring threat comes from mata (totally not true btw, this very game proves it) then yours is suarez (slightly true, carrol seems to be getting a little better)

recent form against a specific team does not really matter, we previously drew twice against spurs

and going by your "honeymoon period" statement liverpools and KD's has long since passed

MaximusPrime4446d ago

Great job Chelsea, Spurs was terrible

"The big talk here is the controversial Mata goal but fortunately, with the scoreline being 5-1, it doesn't affect the result." - Chelsea's tweet


Anderson84446d ago

it was 1-0 at the time course it affects the result.
another case for goal line tech
some great goals for chelsea tho

buddymagoo4446d ago

Tottenham were robbed yet another case for video refs. If we have them then no one can complain!

silvacrest4446d ago

meh, that second goal spurred spurs to do better and they did, but it wasn't enough, chelsea were just stronger

with our form right now, i see us lifting the trophy

RGB4446d ago

Balls was over, extremely impossible to call live but this proves it was over.

Double post, just so people can see!

KonohagakureFC4446d ago

Goal line tech? Nope we just need better refs damn that was ridiculous he was right there

silvacrest4446d ago

regardless of this result, goal line tech is badly needed, whoever disagrees just hasn't had their team face a wrong decision...... YET

RGB4446d ago

Balls was over, extremely impossible to call live but this proves it was over.

And again, btw I'm not a Chelsea fan. I support Real, just want the facts made available.

chukamachine4446d ago

Goal line tech should have been here along time ago. With this game whether or not the goal was real did not matter, Spurs have been a different team since the beating they took from arsenal.

XboxInnovation4446d ago

That second Chelsea goal was terrible. Why can't their be reviews in the semis and final of the FA cup? What is wrong with this sport?

PaPa-Slam4446d ago

In sports stuff happens.

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