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Real Madrid 2-1(1-3 Pens.) Bayern Munich (Champions League Semi-Final 25-04-2012)

1-0 - 06' - Cristiano Ronaldo (Penalty)
2-0 - 14' - Cristiano Ronaldo
2-1 - 27' - Robben A. (Penalty)

Real Madrid 1-3 Bayern Munich On Penaltys

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buddymagoo4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

This will be the 10th year Madrid have not been to a Champions League final.

Well done Bayern, the better team on both nights.

krazykombatant4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

Look at you feeling high mighty all the way from down there in the abysmal pit that you got put into after being kicked from every european competition other than your league, which you might lose come monday?

Bayern were the best team last match but this time we came even with them, there were some missed and silly calls by the ref but in the end we chocked and ramos completely eat it.

Madrid's 9 Champions>>>>>& amp; gt;>>>>>> than ManU 3.


Yeah we do have this argument every night cuz hes so resentful his team couldn't get out of the group stage that he has to try and make himself feel better. At this stage I think he likes to argue with Corepred4 and myself.

Corepred44531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

Lol I hope your little stats help you feel better at night. These comments should be reserved for the teams that actually made it this far. Heck even made it to the round of 16. I'll even go as far to say for fans who's team made it to the semi finals of the Europa league. lmao. Sucks we lost but we'll be alright.

Doesn't Magoo state the same excuses/stats over and over again. lol


Didn't you guys have this argument last night?

sdtarm4531d ago

-Bayern actually played better today again
-they loosen up at extra time
-Iker and Neuer are beast
-Nice shot Ramos
-Wonder what the special one will say today...

buddymagoo4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )


Yeah, they tend to get pretty off topic. I understand United did poorly in Europe this year but we are not talking about United.

hobokiller4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

AND it will Bayern Munich's home turf for the final!
This is too good!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4531d ago
ProjectVulcan4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

So....The two favourites in the semis are disposed off. Wonder what those people think about Spanish football now. Meh. Not important.

The game was so closely matched that it was looking at penalties in the second half as it tightened up even further.

I always felt if Chelsea faced Madrid's power, pace and width they would struggle to deal with it, as they have with clubs in the league this year. I always felt they had a better chance against Bayern and their style despite the fact it is at Bayern's home ground. Chelsea have proven to be the best party poopers this year after all.

Many might be disappointed it isn't an El clasico showpiece, but i for one am very happy with the alternative. It'll be fascinating.

Really? @ Corepred4 below

I felt Bayern actually just edged it over two legs. I think most would echo that feeling.

Corepred44531d ago

"Wonder what those people think about Spanish football now. Meh. Not important. "

They're still saying they are the best in the world. lmao what an idiot.

hobokiller4531d ago

It's funny how Bayern Munich, a team that is more than six points behind the top team in their league, beat the top team in Spain right now and no one is saying that Bundesliga is the best.

All this talk about leagues, smh.

Imalwaysright4531d ago

So if Bayern defeats Chelsea in the final i guess that the Bundesliga will be the best league in world... right? Judging wich is the best league based on 2 or 3 matches is idiotic and pointless! Footbal is not science where everything is an hard cold fact. The truth is that ANY team from la liga can beat ANY team from the EPL and vice versa.

zico4531d ago

this match had everything!!! 1st half maybe the best I`ve seen this year. Overall Bayern was the best team today, congrats

RGB4531d ago

Extremely gutted but Bayern played extremely well. Incredibly fair game that was brilliant, intense, close and clean. No theatrics just top notch football. You don't see many games like that these days and Bayern deserved to be in the final.

I'd rather lose to a team that played better than us than get robbed by dubious decisions.

Again full credit to Bayern, after the first 15 minutes it could of been over but they dug deep and played well throughout.

lugia 40004531d ago

Heart pounding match, although bayern could have won the match but gomez didnt want to shoot lol.

freeduck4531d ago

Yes, Bayern!
Awful penalties from Kaka and Ramos, Munich deserved it.

Will be an amazing final, and Bayern will have a huge home advantage

zico4531d ago

Bayern have many players out with 2 yellows! I think it was good for Chelsea meeting Bayern although the final is in Munich

Jihaad_cpt4531d ago

Chelsea is in the same boat. Cannot wait


You can't beat the Germans at penalties, you just cant.

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