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Arsenal agree terms with Barcelona over Song signing

A transfer fee has been agreed between the Gunners and the Catalan giants after much speculation over the future of the Cameroon international.

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no_more_heroes4416d ago

I'd wish him luck, but its Barcelona, so I won't go that far. I am, however, not mad at him.

Now let's use this money to tie up either Biglia or M'Vila (either one will do) by Monday.

jak3y13oy4416d ago

100% agree with you! ;D

freeduck4415d ago

Can anyone explain to me why Wenger and Song want to be separated?

crazyturkey4416d ago (Edited 4416d ago )

This one hurts me more than the RVP one. Song from what I've seen never cried that he wanted to leave or tried to screw up the team morale, so him leaving this quickly without any fuzz I approve. I wish him luck and that he benches busquets. Now, Arsenal need to make the Sahin deal happen and some one like M'villa needs to come in.

Blackdeath_6634415d ago

still don't understand why barcelona would want song :/
don't get me wrong i think song is a great player but barcelona aren't exactly desperate for players. maybe barca are taking a change in direction with their football tactics?

imtiyaz64415d ago

What amazes me is how we're selling Song for just 15 million, while there are players worse than him being sold for more