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David Villa smashes up police car in banned Need For Speed advert


A banned advert for the video game Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit featuring David Villa smashing up a police car has surfaced online.

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no_more_heroes4367d ago (Edited 4367d ago )

That ball must be made of Tungsten Carbide to be able to smash the car up like that.

What does that say about his foot, though? o_0'

Always knew David Villa was special...

MaximusPrime4367d ago

Hmm... Rubbish advert. Glad they banned it

jak3y13oy4367d ago

This ad is very misleading! would of thought you had to smash up a police car with a very hard football in the game! ;)

mafiahajeri4366d ago

Nice but would have been cooler with NWA's F@&£ the police in the background.