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FootballZilla - 11x2 Moderator


CRank: 38Score: 439800

11x2 Fantasy Premier Football - Gameweek 10 Update -

The Top 5 Players For Gameweek 10 Are:

1 - TheHunter- 54
2 - Mezzo- 53
3 - FootballZilla- 51
4 - Jak3y13oy - 44
5 - No_More_Heroes - 41


Monthly Table Top 5:

1 - TheHunter- 54
2 - Mezzo- 53
3 - FootballZilla- 51
4 - Jak3y13oy - 44
5 - No_More_Heroes - 41


Season Table Top 5:

1 - FootballZilla - 416
2 - Mezzo - 392
3 - Jak3y13oy - 379
4 - JohnsonBat - 378
5 - Macleodleon - 378


For the full table standings:


Congrats to the top five and good luck for next week.

- FootballZilla

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FootballZilla4334d ago

And also the prizes for the top 3 at the end of the season have changed...

For 1st Place: $500
For 2nd Place: $250
For 3rd Place: $100

jak3y13oy4334d ago

Fellani was top class for me! was thinking of putting him captain but i chose kompany instead!

PaPa-Slam4334d ago

Congratz guys, i would have loved to joined, but i know nothing about how this works.

buddymagoo4334d ago (Edited 4334d ago )

You can still join if only for the monthly contests. I joined up a month late.

You just sign up and try and pick defenders who will keep clean sheets/ score goals and midfielder and strikers that score goals. You get set a budget and it only counts for premier league games.

PaPa-Slam4334d ago

I think i'll give it a shot. :D

I'll make a team and leave the info here.