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Raffaella Fico: Mario Balotelli does not care about his daughter Pia

Raffaella Fico says her ex-beau Mario Balotelli is irresponsible. The Italian showgirl gave birth to baby girl Pia earlier this month.

But while Raffaella previously stated that she was able to raise Pia on her own, she recently revealed that Balotelli was doing nothing to support his daughter.

“He has not spent a penny on her [since her birth], or even called to see if she needs anything."

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KingPin4184d ago

this bitch is dumb as shit.

does she not see the character of the guy. he's a total asshole.

anyways, not to generalize, but mario is raising the kid like a true african black man.

silvacrest4183d ago

maybe thats how it is in america or even the caribbean but trust me, in africa and europe, that is not the case at all

Ike204183d ago

Yup, that's true... As for Balotelli, he's not acting as a father at all.

Ike204183d ago

Well, Fico has her similar sides to Balotelli. No surprise that they were once a couple... You think Balotelli will come back after the DNA test?