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April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


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New 11x2 Staff Addition: Moderator

Cat|4239d ago |Blog Post|13|

We welcome Mezzo The Modly to the team!

While (fortunately for me) the survey results supported all the people I had in mind for the job, Mezzo was the fan favorite.

Please welcome him warmly and tell him all your problems!

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jak3y13oy4239d ago

Congrats Mezzo!

Maybe next time for me ;) :D

Cat4239d ago

Your good natured reply confirms that you are a good candidate!

buddymagoo4239d ago (Edited 4239d ago )

What a load of rubbish! That no good scoundrel of member and a waste of a moderator. Mezzo seems like a sly dog to me and you should avoid him.... :P

But seriously well done Mezzo and the right man for the job! I just hope it's not all too much for him because he works his socks off already.

jak3y13oy4239d ago (Edited 4239d ago )

i know! top of N4G is hard enough!

This must be him!

-Mezzo-4238d ago

@Buddymagoo -- Well, some part of the Skin will come off with the sock from now on. :P

@Jak3y13oy -- That could easily be me, i mean all the sign's are there.

But Doing all this stuff is actually what helps me go through the 8 Hours of my Job, My job is to just sit ( With A Laptop ) and keep an eye on some equipment & Other People ( That they're doing their Job properly or not ).

This is me doing my Job ( Image Below ) on a 'Construction Site' while wearing Safety Jacket, Shoes & Helmet. Doing stuff on News Boiler keeps me from sleeping on my job and gets me through it. :P

And ( Them Bubbles ). lol

jak3y13oy4238d ago


basically a job within a job... well a hobby within a job!

At least you get prizes! :D

and the legend has shown his true identity!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4238d ago
-Mezzo-4237d ago

LOL, yup that me.

Almost everyone on N4G knows literally everything about me. Because they also have me in their Circle on Google+


karim4239d ago

Congrats Mezzo, I had my acceptance all rolled up but oh well, maybe next time!

-Mezzo-4238d ago

'I Shall Lead You & 11x2 Towards a Brighter Tomorrow'.

Seriously Though, i will do my best to live upto everyone's expectation. Thank you for putting your trust in me Fella's.

WildArmed4237d ago (Edited 4237d ago )

Congratz Mezzo, The Moldy :D

-Mezzo-4237d ago

Thank you So Much. =]

Though i don't want that 'Moldy' catching on. :P

no_more_heroes4238d ago

Ah! Congratulations good sir! Would've seen me earlier if my crap internet hadn't been gone most of the day!

Missed the CL matches as well!