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CRank: 5Score: 54610

submission and approvals

Right im typing this from my tablet so pardon any mistakes ahead of time.

Umm whilst approving stories/highlights etc... I noticed as soon as a match is done there will be the usual highlights story and then the same thing but instead of the vids its just basically the recap or player ratings or something with pretty much the same thing...

I dont know if this is the norm if people are competing with the submission thing to try and get more entries, if its not like that like the comments then my bad. But seriously last I check there was a section where you could add multiple URLs in the submission why am I having to approve 2-3 stories that cover the same subject just different aspects. Put it all in one submission that be great.

Just think that if were gonna get ahead of the "failed submission" thing, then it needs to be improved somehow. Before something goes into approval stage why not just put an extra step to check everything over or, we could have people check all the stories and have a select all option and approve, instead of having to open 30+ tabs

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jak3y13oy4231d ago

i've noticed that,

tbh i think they should be put as alt sources to the highlights story.

karim4231d ago

It is normal..But player ratings are always useless, most of the stories get submitted for the degrees..I never really bothered to check the rating even the match recap because I probably saw the match