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Greek youngster Katidis apologises for Nazi-style salute

The AEK Athens midfielder caused widespread outrage after his goal celebration in his team's win over Veroia and took to Twitter to express remorse for his actions.


Unbeknownst to me, the title has changed to "Greek footballer gets national team life ban for Nazi salute".

Hate it when sites do that.

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no_more_heroes4206d ago

Love his teammate's reaction like "Are you REALLY doing that?!"

Bahpomet---4206d ago ShowReplies(1)
Nes_Daze4205d ago

And so the crazy ignorant trolls come out, saying it is okay to do such a thing, and then defend hitler. To think there are still people who even try to minimize what that man did.

Bahpomet---4205d ago Show
UnwanteDreamz4205d ago ShowReplies(1)
silvacrest4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

even if that player was a secret nazi sympathizer, its hard to believe he would be stupid enough to let that slip out

secrete nazi or not, this will follow him till death, a twitter apology wont cut it

3-4-54205d ago

Most athletes aren't that intelligent.

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