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April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


CRank: 50Score: 17015

FYI: Awarding of Prize(s) Change

Cat|4197d ago |Blog Post|3|

Effective immediately we will no longer be able to do wire transfers by bank to winners. Hopefully you will appreciate giftcards or paypal instead as we can still do that. :) If you have previously received your prize by wire transfer please determine whether PayPal or Amazon Gift Card (to the UK, US or CA store) will work best for you - I anticipate you may win again! :)

February winners have received their prizes now, and if you chose the Amazon gift card option you will find your code in the contest ticket issued to you in early March.

Happy Spring, everyone!

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no_more_heroes4196d ago

For now, I do prefer the Amazon gift cards.

karim4196d ago

Well, that's a real bummer