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11x2 Admin


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May 2013 Winners!

Oh goodness, is June here RIGHT NOW? Sorry this is a bit late, but aside from being your football community manager here, I am also very closely tied to video games. All this last month, I've been working on launching a new outlet (!) and preparing for E3 in a week (!!!).

Anyway, on to business!

CONTRIBUTOR CONTEST: Contribute things! Interesting things! Submit a thing and get a top news ranking in May!

1. $75 Gift Card: Sandmano
2. $50 Gift Card: jak3y13oy
3. $35 Gift Card: Sahil
4. $25 Gift Card: wantedboys
5. $25 Gift Card: no_more_heroes

Bam! Tickets issued in a moment and then back to work on vidya stuff for me.

Some Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all 11x2 users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
2. In the event of unforeseen circumstances 11x2/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
3. Prizes are not transferable.
4. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.

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Sahil4127d ago

3rd place prize was 35$ mate.

Sidology4127d ago

Whoops! I mistyped. My mistake!

jak3y13oy4127d ago

yeah! just wondering how did you get on with the fantasy football prize?

Sidology4126d ago

It's being worked out! I'm super, super busy with E3 stuff at the moment, so I can't sit down to work on it at this point in time, but I will get it sorted out in the near future!

FBZ is MIA, so I'll be hoping to dedicate a day or two to that and get it worked out.

no_more_heroes4122d ago

What about the Quizify prizes?

Sidology4121d ago

I believe they were all contacted via ticket!

no_more_heroes4121d ago (Edited 4121d ago )

I haven't received that prize yet though. I got the ticket notification and confirmed how I wanted to receive it, but I'm yet to receive it.

I PM'd Cat 12 days ago and she said they were having some issues with the company card.

I suppose those issues haven't been resolved yet, then?

Sidology4121d ago

Apparently not! I'll know more as she knows more, but I imagine that she and I are very, very busy with E3 type things right now. Our duties are not shirked, however, and we're keeping a watchful eye on our loves here. <3

Since I haven't heard any updates regarding the card, I am going to assume that, yes, there is still a problem with it.

no_more_heroes4121d ago

Ah. Fair enough. Just keep me updated. :)