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11x2 Admin


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Genuine curiosity...

So, I wonder, as your resident CM slash Moderator slash Administrator here on li'l ol' 11x2:

Do you guys *like* these non-contributor, non-moderator contests where you have to use your creativity in order to participate? Do you feel they alienate certain people or do you find them more engaging?

Your input is very important to me and will be taken into consideration for upcoming contests in the glorious year of 2014.

If you don't feel comfortable leaving your thoughts as a comment, please send it to me as a message!

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Spiewie 3953d ago

Bring back the contributor contests since they actually attract people to the website and make people do what the website was originally made for...

jak3y13oy3953d ago

took the words out of my mouth..

Have contributor contests aswell as the creative ones so it keeps the flow of the site! :D

Crazay3938d ago

As a non contributor, I think having a mix is a nice thing to do. I'll poke around here just a little to see what's going on but I don't have the time you know. At least with a creative contest, non regulars can try to take a kick at the can.

Spiewie 3952d ago

the more stories are submitted the more exposure the site gets. So if you actually make contributor contests which motivate people to submit the more exposure leading to greater budget. Simple

karim3950d ago

LukeLAD is spot on, your creativity contests aren't helping 11x2 one bit, just look at the number of users and the activity of 11x2 when Cat used to do her trademark (Contributor-Comments-Lottery and managing contests), 11x2 was on an all time high, I just don't understand the sudden changes and downgrade in contests afterwards...

Sidology3950d ago

Thanks for your inputs, friends!

coolbeans3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

"Do you guys *like* these non-contributor, non-moderator contests where you have to use your creativity in order to participate?"

I certainly do, but then again that's kind of obvious I'd state that. When the monthly contests are almost constantly focused on the 'number-crunching' aspect of managing, contributing, etc. nearly all year round, it's pretty cool to see unexpected arts and crafts type of contests during the autumn holiday seasons.


"LukeLAD is spot on, your creativity contests aren't helping 11x2 one bit..."

Seriously? That strikes me as rather harsh. It may not be a great "hit-maker" in regards to clicks and other cold, stat-driven stuff, but it's really been fun to have the opportunity of other users telling a part of their past football stories or witnessing their creative expression for these holidays. That's simply untrue to say that doesn't help 11x2 'one bit.'

In the end, I can see why a balance between the two would be apropos year round like what's stated above. But IF I was currently in your position, I'd still be satisfied in knowing you've made some waves since signing on as admin and tested different avenues in such a short time.

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