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Highlights: Germany 1-0 Argentina (WC 2014 - Final)


1-0 Götze 113'

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b163o13624d ago

Congrats germany you'll should riot IMO

jak3y13oy3624d ago (Edited 3624d ago )

Congratulations Germany, best team of the tournament!

ProjectVulcan3624d ago

Deserved win considered over the month of football indeed.

Also Messi best player of the tournament award?

LOOOOOOOL Ok FIFA, if you say so

KingPin3624d ago

lol they had to give him something. cant leave empty handed.

ProjectVulcan3624d ago

Yes, amazing how the Adidas sponsored Golden Ball award went to a player who plays for an Adidas supplied country and has a massive personal Adidas sponsorship contract.

Sheer coincidence I'm sure.

Nes_Daze3624d ago

I wouldn't give that award much thought, pure stupidity to give it to Messi.

Imalwaysright3624d ago (Edited 3624d ago )

Messi getting the award over Kroos, Hummels, Robben, Lahm, James and Mascherano is an absolute joke... but hey atleast now we know who will win Balon D'or this year.

cemelc3624d ago


That is so true, Messi getting that award is an absoulte joke.

Why o why3624d ago

I would of given it to the German keeper on top of the one he got. Messi getting that award even pissed him off. . He knew it was unwarranted

badz1493623d ago

when Messi was announced as the Golden Ball wineer, I was like WHHAAA..?? he's not even in the top 10 best player in this tournament, let alone the best! it was like a slap in the face! the golden glove was given to the best keeper but the ball was given to the most over rated player in this tournament!

cell9893623d ago

It is total Bullshit, James R or Robben had a more stellar appearance in the cup. The only credit I give him, is the fact that he single handily took Argentina to the final, cause all of Argentinas games were extremely boring to watch, minus the final. Everytime Argentina won was at the last minute by some luck and a play started by Messi, had Messi not been there, Argentina would have been out on the first round, they suck as a team, period.

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asmith23063624d ago

Great match! Congrats to Germany. Soon as Goetze came on I had a feeling they had a goal in them. It was pretty much Bayern against Argentina at that stage. Argentina's first mistake at the back and Goetze hammers it home, well taken. Argentina didn't take their chances. Pity they have to play Messi so far back. Gutted for him at the same time. Fantastic World Cup overall.

-Mezzo-3624d ago

What a great game, both sides played aggressively. But the team i was supporting won.

RGB3624d ago

Congrats to Germany, best team in the tournament... Clearly not on the night. Argentina were superior in the 90 minutes, just Über wasteful. ;) Messi's final freekick was laughably bad though.

This however, guarantees Ronaldo getting Ballon d'Or.

asmith23063624d ago

Yeah he needs a couple more to reach Messi's haul.

RGB3624d ago

Here some perspective; Sami Khedira, injured most of the season, only played 23 games for club and country, yet is a Champions League and World Cup winner in the same year! Insane!

sjaakiejj3623d ago

That single moment was going to save or lose them the world cup, so I'm not surprised the pressure was too much for him to shoot it in.

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