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Shakira and Gerard Pique sex tape being offered to multiple news agencies

Shakira and Gerard Pique are football’s closest thing to a celebrity couple as defined by Hollywood standards. So it goes without saying then that the couple are in a constant spotlight with the media. The couple who are expecting a baby in January are connected to a scandal that, if rumors are to be true, say a sex tape between the couple has been leaked.

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karim4341d ago

Football Industry will be rocked by this leak if the tape ever surfaces..Hope there will be no buyers

Corepred44341d ago

Too bad cause I'd get it! It's Shakira!

karim4341d ago

What the heck, screw the industry, I'll probably watch it too, too curious

ProjectVulcan4341d ago

No more than the Ayia Napa tape. Its all a bit meh these days.

RyuX194341d ago

Dude it's freaking Shakira, this NEEDS to come out.

big_dom_returns4341d ago

How will it be rocked? It's just another dumb footballer doing something dumb again. When will these people ever learn that if you record yourself doing something like that, then there's a strong chance someone will get a hold of it. Morons. Deserves what he and she gets.

Venatus-Deus4340d ago

*Guy records himself having sex with shakira*

He can be called a lot of things, but dumb is not one of them.

Yi-Long4341d ago

... and perhaps some other body parts, and move on.

It's just a sex tape. Big deal. People have sex. This isn't the 80's anymore.

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Golden_Dive4341d ago

I cant wait to see it lol

karim4341d ago

I expected a comment like this haha!
Anyway, I read that it was taken by a phone camera, so the picture is probably blurry!

big_dom_returns4341d ago

Are you living in the year 2000? I'm fairly sure they can afford a mobile phone that has a fairly good standard of camera on it.

Mansour4494341d ago

It's just sex , what the buzz for !?

RyuX194341d ago

Cause we'll hopefully get to see Shakira put that booty shaking to work!

crazyturkey4341d ago

Shut up and take my MONEY!

johnsonbat4341d ago

Well lets just hope we see Pique slot one in to a tight angle.

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