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RvP not charged for 'elbow'

Manchester United striker Robin van Persie will not be charged for his alleged elbow on Newcastle midfielder Yohan Cabaye on Sunday.

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karim4309d ago

So the FA charged Ashley Cole for a tweet but won't charge RVP over physically harming another player, setting their priorities straight

buddymagoo4308d ago (Edited 4308d ago )

Funny the footage shows no elbow and it was the equivalent of a rugby player hand off. Cabaye was a wuss and Tiote did much worse stamping on Cleverley.

Kos-Mos4308d ago

Stop screwing around with that mary-jane!

AcceptedWalnut4307d ago

Suprise suprise, how many times does Rooney get away with punching, kicking and elbowing people.

buddymagoo4307d ago

Every week! Did you not see him punch out the whole Fulham team and the Newcastle lads. No one can stop him! We only got a result in the second half against Spurs because he came on and started to bully everyone!

He needs to be stopped, won't somebody think of the children!

AcceptedWalnut4307d ago (Edited 4307d ago )

You're a nob.