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buddymagoo4293d ago

Huntelaar would have been a great signing for Arsenal.

crazyturkey4293d ago

Yeah I think so too, but I doubt he would want to be the RVP replacement as he is in the dutch national squad.

GanjaMan4293d ago

naaa podolskis better than huntelaar

no_more_heroes4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

Wait, when did Norwich start playing in blue?

Tomorrow's gonna be a VERY interesting AST meeting...

crazyturkey4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

I would say the same thing except that Schalke did not wait in their half all game long and counter, they actually outplayed Arsenal for long stretches of the game and were far more direct..........Farfan what a beast.

no_more_heroes4293d ago

True, I was referring more to Arsenal's non-performance than anything else. It's not so much that Schalke outplayed us, but more like they didn't have anyone to play against.

crazyturkey4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

A deserved victory for Schalke, that comming from an Arsenal supporter.
I cannot believe That they would let Giroud out of the starting squad. Also the subs what the hell. Too late and IMO the wrong ones, not because who came in, but who went out. Santos should have come out by half time if not earlier. I thought Coquelin and Ramsey would come out to make way for Giroud and Arshavin, but Bould decided to take out the best defender and some one who can be a game changer. I would even go as far as to say that the second goal could have been prevented if Jenkinson was on the pitch.

imtiyaz64293d ago

Really embarrassed by our current form. We really need to play a more defensive style since our players are struggling to break the likes of Norwich. I really hope we can win the group. Facing a team like Madrid, Barca, Bayern or even Malaga will result in an early embarrassing exit. Anyways, what a week for German football!

silvacrest4293d ago

wow, every prem team lost except manu and they looked weak throughout and got lucky

imtiyaz64293d ago

True, Bpl may still be one of the most exciting leagues to watch, but the quality of football has certainly taken a hit. Chelsea losing to Shaktar, Arsenal losing to Schalke at home, United barely beating Braga and the champions of England failing to even qualify from the group stages. Few years ago, it was these teams which were battling it out at the latter stages of the competition with Barca being the only team outside England, good enough to compete.

buddymagoo4293d ago

Did you even watch the United game? We looked weak for the first 20m then dominated the rest of the game and deserved the 3 goals we scored and even had a goal disallowed for a bad offside call.

You don't just get "lucky" and score 3 goals. You play well to get those goals.

goku323594293d ago

I agree. United was the stronger team for the majority of the game so they deserved the win.

silvacrest4293d ago

i only got to watch the first 20 mins where braga dominated

and when i said lucky i meant lucky to score 3 goals when they were two nil down

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