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Highlights: Arsenal 1-0 Queens Park Rangers (English Premier League - 27/10/12)

1-0 | M. Arteta | 84'

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imtiyaz64290d ago

Wilshere!!!! I can't believe I actually forgot how good he really is. Now if he can just stay consistent and injury free...

buddymagoo4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

I thought Taarabt looked better and that Arsenal had a poor game and lucked out with an offside goal against 10 men.

imtiyaz64289d ago

Well, United just lucked out with an offside goal against 9 men. LOL, I guess our result's a tad better

crazyturkey4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

Today they actually tried shooting and also got a few bodies inside the box. To me that's when Arsenal are the most dangerous. When they put at least 3 guys in the box so that defenders don't have only 1 target.
Also, Jack is BACK!

I like the videos with more highlights than just goals.

XboxInnovation4290d ago

Both clubs are crap, the prem is overrated. How is Hughes still manager?

Diffraction_Fos4289d ago

What league is the current Champions League winner from?

asmith23064289d ago

Such a terrible argument. I don't believe you can judge how good a league is by Champions League performances. If that was the case then I could easily say take a look at the Premier League champions CL campaign this year. City are almost guarenteed to be out in the first round. In my opinion all the league leaders from the 'biggest' leagues, England, Spain and Italy are all capable of giving each other a go and it is quite even.

XboxInnovation4289d ago

Should be Germany. English teams always win the Champions League on a fluke. Even when they face each other lol

Diffraction_Fos4289d ago

@asmith2306 - I was just replying to his claims that the Premier League is overrated. It's not. Are you insinuating that I'm claiming the PL is better than the others?

@momthemeatloaf - Oh really? Then in that case, you can take your Booondesliga, shine it up real nice, and shove it up your shithole.