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The ridiculous Tweets when Arsenal were losing to Reading


Football fans are fickle. Nowhere was this more evident than during Arsenal’s crazy 7-5 win at Reading on Tuesday evening.

Celebrity Arsenal fan Piers Morgan led the way with calls for boss Arsene Wenger to be sacked as Gooners the globe over were in uproar at losing to Reading.

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no_more_heroes4286d ago

Excuse me for being a little panicky given what I've (personally) seen over the past six years.

chukamachine4284d ago

Wenger has been in charge too long tbh, i'm not saying managers should be sacked season in, season out. But arsenal need to win the prem or at least a trophy.

Obviously players at arsenal don't feel like arsenal will win, otherwise all the players that left would not have?

Ok some probably went for the money, nasri i'm looking at you.

imtiyaz64283d ago

Who do you think can actually replace Arsene? Mourinho? Guardiola? no one. Wenger is doing the best he can with limited funding. I don't think any other manager can do as much with so little. Blame the board not Wenger.

Yi-Long4283d ago

... I very much respect Arsene's view on bringing up young talent within the system, and playing positive attacking football.

That's great.

However, I think tactically, before and during matches, he isn't great. I feel he often makes the wrong decisions in terms of who's playing, and where, and how.

Also, when it comes to buying new players, he hasn't been lucky. I know the fans are always shouting for 'big names' to be bought, but when you look at the times Arsenal tried and did that (Reyes, Arshavin, etc), they were mostly very disappointing. It seems somehow they're not very good at picking the right players that would fit the club.

I'm not saying he should be fired. He is a good coach, and as long as Arsenal finish top 4-5 each year, they're doing as well as can be expected when you're looking at the expenses.

However, the idea that no other manager could have done better than Arsene, I disagree with, cause he certainly has his flaws, and personally I feel tactically he isn't as good as he should be.

pompombrum4283d ago

It isn't Wenger that needs to go it's the bloody board. I say this as a utd fan but I find it laughable how the club's execs keep coming out and saying they can't afford to keep up with the big boys despite they have made so much money in the last 18 months from player sales that haven't even been reinvested fully into buying new players. They might go and claim that what the other teams are doing is stupid and putting them in debt but ultimately you either adapt with the times or risk being left behind.