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Giggs strike gives him league goal for 23rd consecutive season

The Manchester United veteran put Sir Alex Ferguson's side 1-0 up against Everton to extend a remarkable run of netting in every top flight campaign he has played in.

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no_more_heroes4154d ago

Some things transcend club loyalties.

Giggs -> Legend.

p_bateman4153d ago

I hate united, but Giggs is a class act.

ProjectVulcan4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

Statue. Ultimate pro.

His apps record for United I daresay will never, ever be beaten- he'll surely end with at least 200 more than Bobby Charlton. It'll take a young goalkeeper playing all his career to rack up more apps in the modern era.

Chances are his Premier League apps record will last quite a while as well, Premier league titles, etc etc.

All this is incredible considering he isn't playing for Wigan or Villa, he has played at the highest level for all his career at unquestionably the most successful English club over those 2 decades.

buddymagoo4152d ago

I saw this chart an thought it was incredible.