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Iniesta: Liga title more important than Champions League

The Barcelona midfielder believes securing a fourth league crown in five seasons would represent a greater accomplishment than continental success

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wantedboys4091d ago


i think he knows that he cannot beat Bayern Munich

Nes_Daze4090d ago

They're already waving the white flag before they get on the pitch, or is it just mind games? If they're serious they have already lost, a shaky defense + a nervous offense and Bayern will smash them at home and away..

doncorleone4090d ago

Surprised to see a barcelona fan honest with himself, but come on! Barca are barca, and they are still the reigning team of the last years in europe, I dont consider them as underdogs in this tie, like Lahm said it will be 50-50 i think.Peace.

RGB4090d ago

Hilarious! Wasn't saying that the other year!

Nothing is bigger than the European Cup.