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Manchester United will turn to Schweinsteiger if their final Cesc Fabregas transfer bid fails

Manchester United will set their sights on Bayern Munich star Bastian Schweinsteiger – if a third bid for Barcelona’s Cesc Fabregas fails this week.

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KingPin4009d ago

looks like united have no intention of signing any players.
they going after players that will never leave their current clubs.
whats next...united going after gerrard if bastian transfer fails?

ProjectVulcan4007d ago (Edited 4007d ago )

He's too old anyway and not worth a large fee because of that. He is supposedly a key player at Bayern but Guardiola plans to change the side around and go all tippy tappy which explains why he has brought in his charge at Barcelona in Thiago and Gotze who are also both a lot younger unsurprisingly.

There is now a lot of competition at the club in midfield and Guardiola is highly unlikely to play with two holding midfielders in Martinez and Schweinsteiger. Martinez is considerably younger as well, he's Spanish and will probably get the nod.

Before he knows it the German may find himself on the bench a lot of the season ahead.

But whatever, don't really want Schweinsteiger at United because of his age the fee being talked about makes me think it's a load of nonsense, United don't need his type of midfielder they need a more creative attacking one who can also keep the ball like Modric or Fabregas or Pjanic etc etc

redknight804008d ago

Don't you dare do it...don't you dare take Schweini from my beloved FC Bayern Muenchen!

MajorLazer4008d ago

He would never leave anyway. He is a key player of Bayern

KingPin4008d ago

HAHA relax, why would he move to MUFC anyways. he is playing for the best german club and probably the best club in Europe at the moment. he also has a good relationship with everyone there.
he would have to be totally wasted to decide to move to MUFC. i dont see it happening at all.

redknight804008d ago

Oh totally agree, there is no reason to make the move really. I just worry that they will throw a ton of money his way...a record transfer fee or something could make any player at least consider the option.

sonic9894007d ago

man united should focus on realistic targets like gondogun if i wrote his name right LOL
but really there is many creative players with potential out there ( coming from a madrid fan which hates the overpriced players )

fOrlOnhOpe574007d ago

I think that once the Bale saga is sorted, then CR will head back to Old Trafford.

asmith23064007d ago

I can't understand why utd haven't bought anyone yet. Giggs and Scholes are done, ferdinand and vidic aren't getting any younger either. Besides, vidic is never fit. Last season was a strange one where all the top teams bar utd were unusually inconsistent. I think that was a once off. Utd will find it tough this year with no ferguson and no new signings.