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Highlights: Chelsea 6-0 Arsenal (EPL - 22/03/14)


1-0 Eto'o 5'

2-0 Schürrle 7'

3-0 Hazard (Penalty) 17'

4-0 Oscar 42'

5-0 Oscar 66'

6-0 Salah 71'

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jak3y13oy3743d ago

What a 'special' day for Wenger..

Spiewie 3743d ago

He must be furious now haha a score line like this on his 1000th game xD embarrassing. Chelsea did play some fantastic football (sczesny helped a little)

HughLAD3742d ago

His defenders owe him an apology.

jak3y13oy3742d ago

the whole team owe him a apology..

xX_Altair_Xx3743d ago

Arsenal crumbling as usual. They're the only top 6 team not to have beaten ManUtd this season, says it all really. The lack of a striker is no excuse - Chelsea have average strikers and seem to be alright. #WengerOut.

Spiewie 3743d ago

Wenger out ????? seriously ? he's been with Arsenal for so long em I don't think that's gonna happen.

krazykombatant3743d ago

wenger needs to be kicked out. He's rubbish, and a complacent manager.

Arsenal once again crumble and their season goes to shambles, only the FA cup remains and I wouldn't be surprised if they crash out on that too.

Spiewie 3743d ago

Hmm Arsenal has been playing the best football in the PL they have a young promising squad which Wenger has been ivnvesting in for so long... They will come to glory in the coming seasons.

krazykombatant3743d ago

just like the past 7 years....

asmith23063742d ago

Arsenal would have faded away a long time ago if it wasn't for Wenger. You're an idiot if you think otherwise.

darren_poolies3743d ago

Playing the best football in the PL hahaha, have you not seen a Liverpool game this year?

asmith23063742d ago

They have played some great football, as usual for Arsenal, but Liverpool have baffled me (in a positive way) this season.

krazykombatant3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Faded away? you can't say that unless you're looking into a crystal ball, or what you asking a magic 8 ball?!?!? They could have easily attracted another manager, Pep and others would have taken that job and possibly attracted better talent.

I'll tell you what faded away, the funding into attracting top talent and keeping those talented players (RVP, Nasri, Fabregas).

The thirst and hunger for titles has faded away at that club. 7 or 8 years now without a title, sure he won them the title without any defeats. So what?!?!? Wegner and the board have been lining their pockets for ages under what??? "OOHHHH the stadium has been built, we need to pay for it."

The Emirates has been paid for a good a while now.

They're cheap and mediocre, Ozil made a HUGE mistake going to arsenal, and don't say he came to arsenal because he wanted to win "trophies". He simply didn't want to compete for his spot at Real Madrid.

The players are garbage and so is the manager. 1 world class player doesn't win you the title. Instead of being idiots with the £40,000,000.01 maybe they should have just manned up and paid for a striker for Ozil to set up.

Jog on mate, before you make yourself look like any more of a fool.

TheSaint3742d ago

What are you on? On what planet are Arsenal playing 'the best football in the PL'

If that was the case wouldn't they be first? You could say prettiest but not best unless you're top.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3742d ago
asmith23063742d ago

The players were a disgrace. On Wenger's 1000th game they should have given it their all.

HughLAD3742d ago

Arsenal were favourites to win the PL earlier on in the season.....

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