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Sir Alex would have struggled with this ageing Manchester United squad, says Moyes

The Scot says this season would have been tough no matter who was in charge of the club but is keen for the reigning champions to start to play better and improve their results

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anesthesique3735d ago

I don't think so, lets not forget Fergie-time in every game and that the guy has all the PL refs numbers on his phone.

Plus, he is a better coach than Moyes.

dennett3163735d ago

I don't agree at all....Fergie had most of those same players when he won the title the season before. Other teams have improved, yes, but a title winning side does not become as instantly poor as United have been this season, even in the face of other teams getting their act together.
Moyes needs time, but he shouldn't be saying things like this when that team of title winners has been performing so poorly under his charge.

Linwelin3735d ago

He won the league with them last season lol what a stupid thing for Moyes to say.

xX_Altair_Xx3735d ago

Can this guy go even a few days without making an a$$ of himself- "Liverpool are favourites at OT", "We aspire to be like City" and now this. Small time manager managing one of the biggest clubs in the world.

Someone should remind him these guys are the champions (and most of them European champions at one point). What has he achieved in his managerial career?

asmith23063735d ago

So within the space of a summer break the champs turned into chumps? I don't think so Moyes.

TheSaint3734d ago

Agreed, he's just trying to save face, I'm no Manc but even I know Fergie was one of the greatest managers ever.

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