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Luis Suarez ‘self-destructs’ in front of Billion+ people

One of the biggest talking points at the World Cup in recent days has been the ‘self-destruction’ of Liverpool and Uruguay forward Luis Suarez, resulting in a four month ban from competitive football. A year or so since he was involved in ‘biting’ the arm of Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic and suffering a 10-game ban, he became one of the most feared strikers in the Barclay’s Premier League scoring 31 goals.

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TKCMuzzer3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

Except it seems, in Uruguay, where their TV images seemed to show something else as they have all seemed to miss it. Their complete justification to the whole situation is an embarrassment. How will this guy ever learn if his own FA can't condemn his actions.
He should get a longer ban for not having the guts to stand up and apologise and then spin lies. "I fell into his shoulder and banged my teeth", FIFA should add a month just for denial. Did he not see the footage.

Dear Mr Suarez, please grow a pair and apologise to your country, to Liverpool and most importantly to your world cup team mates who you let down on one of the biggest stages in their career. Then sort out your problems.

Systemshock23681d ago

What letdown?? Uruguay lost without him, he was the reason England is out, his goals and his Presence was the reason England are out and crushing their dreams is his Victory.

TheSaint3680d ago

ha ha ha ha, people think that England fans had dreams before this World Cup?

You're dumber than your comment suggests if you think that.

saadd203680d ago

heard Liverpool may sell him for Sanchez and cash from Barcelona. not a bad idea..He can't train or play plus there is the Champions League.

windblowsagain3680d ago

Sadly with or without suarez uruguay would not have progressed any further. The Real teams are playing now.

As for England. Decent set of Players that have not gelled together yet. Early days. Not much was expected. Most of it was positive. Gerard caused the last goal and hart was awful in both games.

That Brazilian goalie is what a goalie is meant to be. Stand up to strikers, not lay on the floor, lmao.

World cup belongs to France.

I can feel it.

ProjectVulcan3680d ago

The French have been flattered by being in the easiest group there was. Then they have a much easier round of 16 tie as well. They'll be out in the quarters...

Rute3680d ago (Edited 3680d ago )

A couple of weeks ago here at 11x2 I predicted that these four countries may do well: Brazil, Germany, Argentina and Netherlands. Let's see how things go.

It's looking like France will be facing Germany in the quarter finals (if France beats Nigeria and Germany beats Algeria in their round of 16 matches). I definitely think Germany is going to win that match. If that's the case then Germany faces Brazil in the semifinals. That's going to be a really tight match. I'm rooting for Brazil.

saadd203680d ago

Uruguay deserved to lose, especially the way they defended the whole biting incident..Suarez's childish least he admitted and apologized when he bit Ivanovic last year..this time he acts like he is the one who got hurt.