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Keita throws water bottle at Pepe and refuses to shake hands

Things briefly got out of hand ahead of Tuesday evening's friendly in Dallas after an incident involving the midfielder and the defender

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asmith23063819d ago

Surprised Pepe didn't need the stretcher.

Football-Soccer3818d ago

Why in the world did he do that?

yezz3818d ago

Pepe called Keita "a monkey" in the Barca years and now he refused to shake his hand because of it. Pepe reportedly spat on Keita in this match and that's the reason he threw the bottle...

Pogmathoin3818d ago

Pepe seems to have pig chromasone in his dna. He is as vile a person you will get. Shame to see monkeys used for lab tests when it should be Pepe.

S2Killinit3818d ago (Edited 3818d ago )

this seemed like it was the beginning of the game though. If Pepe did spit on him then he deserved it (only if this was before the game of course).

all that aside though, i do enjoy watching Pepe play, as wild as he is, he is very entertaining. Also, i think all defenses need someone like him. You can say things about him being angry and all, but he is also a great defender, i do enjoy the way he attacks the offense, a bit dangerous, its almost like Im coming for the ball, either i get to it first or im taking you with me. lol

yezz3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

I can't argue against the fact that he can be a fairly good defender but he's also been a massive cunt too many times for me to get him any praise..

Many Madrid fans are also getting really tired of his shite because head butting like in the WC can get the whole team in trouble and calling someone a monkey+spitting on them is very disgraceful. I'm sorry but I can't understand people who still like him after all he's done.. It's all on film, even the spitting.