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Luis Figo: Fifa candidate wants World Cup with 48 teams

Luis Figo would consider a bigger World Cup if he is elected to replace Sepp Blater as Fifa president.

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KingPin3445d ago

get more african, asian and south american teams in there.

Stringerbell3445d ago

Agreed on the South American and African bit. I do believe that the CONCACAF is over represented in the WC though and should lose a spot.

Put it this way, Mexico was able to reach a qualification play off with a 2-5-3 record obviously with a negative goal differential. Mind you against such 'powerhouse' footballing nations like Jamaica, Panama and Honduras. Pretty pathetic to be honest.

On the flip side, Venezuela missed out on the WC with a record of 5-5-6 (they beat Argentina & Colombia) in one the hardest roads to the WC in football.

LightDiego3445d ago

No, that's a terrible idea, there are weak teams already playing the World Cup.
Thirty-two teams are sufficient, it's already painful to watch matches with Australia, South Korea, Iran, for example

Lionsguard3445d ago

Don't watch those matches then?

LightDiego3445d ago

Including all these team it's just a political maneuver, a World Cup with 48 teams will make the tournament bigger and will just harm football clubs. I prefer to watch big matches and a competitive tournament, what's wrong with that?

Stringerbell3445d ago (Edited 3445d ago )

@LightDiego Well you just named three decent footballing sides so....

mafiahajeri3445d ago

Austrailia did really good against holland so did iran against argentina, asian teams deserve at least one more spot.

360ICE3444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

I agree. There's no doubt that Figo has adopted this position to get votes from African and Asian football associations where Blatter tends to collect most of his support.

Another thing is that the World Cup is already a huge financial burden on the host nation. If they're to accommodate even more teams, then it'll be even more expensive. Figo's option includes splitting the world cup, which frankly, I think makes it lose a lot of its magic. 32 is good, I think.

However, if a 48 team World Cup is what it takes to get Sepp Blatter out and Figo is actually better and willing to pass positive reforms, then I'm all for it.

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