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Antonio Conte trolls Arsene Wenger for his pathetic excuse after Arsenal defeat

Antonio Conte laughed off Arsene Wenger’s suggestion that Marcos Alonso’s opening goal in Chelsea 3-1 win over Arsenal should’ve been disallowed.

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windblowsagain2689d ago

It should have been, elbow in the head. Took player out and scored.

As for Conte. He inherited that team.

Same as mourinho did before him.

Ranieri built Chelsea.

silvacrest2689d ago

They both went for the ball, alonso is taller, only had eyes for the ball, simple accident.

Arsene is clinging onto something that detracts from a pathetic arsenal performance

Arsene has had 2 DECADES to build his own team and this is what the fans get?

Too many managers and players have come and gone to say ranieri built chelsea

Pogmathoin2689d ago

It's a foul.... Eyes for the ball or not, you cannot stampede through the player. Would you say that with a two footed tackle that wins the ball but takes the player with with him? Conte is nice, no need for toxic Mourinho impressions.

2689d ago