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Adler's South African dream over

Germany goalkeeper Rene Adler has been ruled out of next month's FIFA World Cup™ in South Africa as he is set to undergo an operation to repair damaged ribs.

"This was the toughest decision of my life," said the 25-year-old Bayer Leverkusen goalkeeper in a statement. "But it would have been simply irresponsible of me, my club and the national team to have participated in the World Cup.

"Medically speaking, it would have been possible. But the pain is so great that I would not have been able to perform at my best over the longer term both in training and during matches. In such a long and intensive tournament, that is unacceptable. You need players who are 100 per cent fit."

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donb5197d ago

I am really sorry to see him out, beacuse he is a good goalkeeper and a sympatethic player. Still, I am happy to see that germany is getting weaker. Never liked to whatch them win the World Cup!