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How are U.S. owners faring in English football?

Earlier this week, Aston Villa owner Randy Lerner announced that manager Martin O'Neill was staying at the club for at least another season.

Media reports had suggested that relations had become strained between the placid American and the excitable Northern Irishman, who has led Villa to another top six English Premier League placing this season.

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donb5186d ago

"United supporters want the Glazer's out. They feel they are bleeding money out of the club, getting them further into debt, increasing ticket prices to record levels and generally do not have United's interests at heart". That kind of owners are not welcome in any club!

Maradona5186d ago

Well said DonB.
This is a trend going on. They buy just to have something to play with, and when things go wrong they just want their money back.

Arild5185d ago

I don't think the problem is that they buy clubs just to have something to play with - this is more what the Sheiks of City and the likes do. They have so much money it doesn't matter what happens with the world economy.
The Americans look at the clubs as an investment - and ONLY that. They don't care about the heart in English football - how could they? They are used to the American system, where the clubs change names, stadiums, even home towns all the time.
I'd rather have an owner that wants to play, than an owner who only wants to make money!

megacardo5185d ago

Could not Agree more. Well said!

donb5185d ago

Good points you have there, Arild. Problem is the american way of mixing football and business.