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Bill Clinton and Mick Jagger at the match: a gallery

Yahoo Sports: The USA's 2-1 loss to Ghana in the Word Cup on Saturday may have been a soul-crushing heartbreaker that made the flag weep stars, but at least some people were having fun! Former President Bill Clinton and wizened god of rock Mick Jagger were at the match, A-listing in an all-time celebrity box of competing generational icons. Also present: Katie Couric's legs, and Terry McAuliffe's weirdly submissive hair. Herewith, a tour of the debauchery.

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-Mezzo-5144d ago

lol, great collection, i love the Picture details written under all of them.

Ampomah5143d ago

How lovely it was to see Bill Clinton enjoying soccer in spite the low level of interest in the game by Americans.

FootballZilla5143d ago

Bill Clinton his quite cool haha

polarbear5143d ago

Must've been inspirational to have Clinton and Mick Jagger there