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England Got As Far As It Deserved, But Where Will Germany End Up?

NPR: No sour grapes from this Englishman: Germany deserved its win.

In Germany this game will likely be remembered as the beginning of a new Golden Age for German soccer. One of the youngest teams in the tournament established itself today as a genuine championship contender with a display of clinical finishing against a fragile English defense that repeatedly parted like the Red Sea.

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-Mezzo-5223d ago

I really Believe that Germany is looking goo enough to go all the way.

simplydanny5222d ago

they gonna suffer exit in the hands of ghana a he semis

SelecaoSupporter5222d ago

Germany will beat Argentina, and send Maradona into exile.

Dunno after that, though.

fralne5222d ago

germany can really win this shit!!

nasa375221d ago

They will lose in the Semi-Finals